
Showing posts from July, 2020

Mountain Climbing

Hello everyone,                          Everyone should climb a mountain at least once in their lives. It is an exhilarating experience, with a huge reward at the peak… a big sense of accomplishment for reaching new heights. Fresh air and magnificent scenery, only adds to the joy of climbing a mountain to the summit. You might climb just one mountain, and attain pride and bragging rights to family and friends. Or, you might find the experience so rewarding, that mountain climbing becomes a new hobby, as you seek the challenge of conquering one peak after another. National Mountain Climbing Day was established in honor of this author’s son, Bobby Matthews, and his friend Josh Madigan, for successfully climbing the 46 High Peaks of New Your State’s Adirondack Mountains. These two young men, climbed the 46th peak, Whiteface Mountain, on August 1, 201...

Mutt Day

Hello everyone,                         National Mutt Day, also known as National Mixed Breed Dog Day, was created in 2005 by Celebrity Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige and is celebrated on both July 31st and December 2nd. National Mutt Day is all about embracing, saving and celebrating mixed breed dogs. The biggest percentage of dogs abandoned and euthanized is due to the constant over-breeding and public desire of designer dogs and pure bred puppies that are sold to pet stores supplied by puppy mills that often produce ill and horribly neglected animals. Mixed breed dogs tend to be healthier, better behaved, they live longer and are just as able to perform the duties of pure bred dogs - such as bomb and drug sniffing, search and rescue and guiding the blind. There are millions of loving and healthy mixed breed dogs ...


Hello everyone,                        Friendship Day is observed on July 30 every year to mark the importance of friends. Also known as ‘International Friendship Day’, people across the world celebrate the friendship and the relationship that exist between friends. Generally, Friendship Day is celebrated by exchanging greeting cards and partying with friends. However, the ongoing corona virus crisis has left little hope for that and thus this year, people will have to stay at home and celebrate Friendship Day virtually. In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly (UN) designated July 30 as the International Day of Friendship to   "promote a shared spirit of human solidarity in the form of friendship. The UN's idea behind the International Day of Friendship was to inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. On the International Day of ...

Tiger Day

Hello everyone,                           The day is additionally referred to as Global Tiger Day. As we know that the population of tiger across the globe dropped sharply since the beginning of the 20th century but the good news is that now their number is on the rise. In 1973, Project Tiger was started in India which was a unique plan to save tigers on the planet. Since it formative years there were 9 tiger reserves but the Tiger Project coverage has increased to 50. But according to WWF around 3,900 wild tigers are left in the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century, over 95% of the world's tiger population is lost. It is said that across Asia, the snaring crisis poses a grave threat to wild tigers. T – Tomorrow No One Will Know Us; I – Identity In The World; G – Greatest King; E – Every Body Should Protect Them; R – Roaring (Crying) ...

National Conservation

Hello everyone,                           The World Nature Conservation Day 2020 falls on 28 July. This day is celebrated to create awareness about natural resources. Further, it also encourages people to protect the earth’s natural resources which is fast depleting owing to over exploitation. Here is some information about World Nature Conservation day history, meaning and significance. Unfortunately, the World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated to raise awareness about protecting natural resources and natural habitats. Due to the population explosion, the natural resources are getting depleted at a very fast rate. Hence it is extremely necessary to conserve natural resources. Several environmental problems have surfaced in the recent past. Some of the problems include global warming, ozone layer depletion and the recent Amazon bush fires. If on...

Milk Chocolate

Hello everyone,                           Calling all chocolate lovers! National Milk Chocolate Day is celebrated annually on July 28. When solid chocolate is combined with either powdered, liquid or condensed milk; it’s known as milk chocolate. Milk chocolate is the most popular member of the chocolate family and with good reason. It’s creamy, smooth and mostly used in candy bars. It is believed that in the mid-1800s, milk chocolate was first created as a beverage in Germany. The first milk chocolate, in the form of a bar that we all recognize today, was created by Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter while collaborating with Henri Nestlé, the founder of his Nestlé chocolate company.  So if you’re a true chocoholic, get ready to celebrate all things milk chocolate! We all know you can eat the sweet treat but did you know there are other uses for it, too...

Nag Panchami

Hello everyone,                          According to Hindu Puranic literature and the Mahabharata, Kashyapa, who was the son of Lord Brahma, married two daughters of Prajapati, Kadru and Vinata. Kadru gave birth to the race of Nagas, while Vinata gave birth to Aruna. Aruna later became the charioteer of Surya, the sun god. Arun also gave birth to Garuda, who later became the carrier of Vishnu. Given the legends and folklore, Nag Panchami is an important festival of the hindu calendar and as part of the festivities, a Naga or idol of a serpent deity made of silver, stone, wood, or a painting of snakes is given a reverential bath with milk and their blessings are sought for the welfare of the family.                           ...

Amelia Earhart

Hello everyone,                           July 24th is National Amelia Earhart Day, a day dedicated to remembering the famous aviation pioneer from Atchison, Kansas.                             July 2 nd , 2018 marked the 81 st anniversary of the tragic disappearance of Amelia Earhart as she was on her journey to be the first woman to fly around the world. Earhart is remembered as a courageous and driven young woman, who was determined to prove that women could do everything that men could do—and that same willpower is seen throughout women today. Kansans have a special tie to Earhart as her birthplace is Atchison, Kansas, and Atchison holds great pride of that fact. Her birth city, along with numerous other memorials ...

Gorgeous Grandma

Hello everyone,                          On July 23rd, Gorgeous Grandma Day recognizes all women of a certain age, whether they are grandmothers or not. Not all women become grandmothers. Those who do, don’t necessarily fit the traditional mold any longer. Others still reach a point where many assume grandmother status, even though no grandchildren are about. Gorgeous Grandma Day embraces the age of the nana and encourages all women to flaunt their granny attitudes with purpose and style. While some grandmas fit the traditional mold with gray hair and cookie-baking, home-making, hug-giving, child-spoiling energy to spare, many grannies sport a whole new role. Many take on the part of grandma to the children in their lives. No matter the type of grandmother they are, they’re all different. Some play the hippest games, wear the latest styles, and know how to f...


Hello everyone,                         Pi denotes the relationship between a circle’s circumference and its diameter and is denoted by the fraction 22/7 which calculates approximately to 3.14. One of the most widely recognized mathematical constant, Ï€, is an irrational number, the digits of which repeat in a random fashion and are never ending.In recent years, some mathematicians and physicists have argued for the replacement of the Ï€ by tau and to celebrate Tau Day on June 28 instead of celebrating Pi Day or Pi Approximation Day. Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate the day: Eat some pie—stop at a restaurant or bakery, or make your own. Eat some pizza. Memorize as many digits of Ï€ as you can. You can start by learning the first 10,000 digits. Quiz yourself or challenge your friends to see who can learn the most. Do some math problems using pi.    ...

Be Someone

Hello everyone,                           On  July 21 , National Be Someone Day challenges each of us to take ten seconds to make a difference in the life of a child. What can be done in ten seconds? We can order a cup of coffee or water a plant. We can hear or tell a bad joke. In ten seconds, we can change our minds and after doing so say a prayer of thanks. When we walk into a room, in that time, we can register the pain in someone’s eyes and begin to provide comfort. We can praise and honor someone who deserves it. We can also commit to report child abuse. On National Be Someone Day, take the pledge to be the person to make a difference in a child’s life. Most importantly, be someone prepared to report when a child trusts you enough to tell you they’ve been hurt. HOW TO OBSERVE #BeSomeoneDay Be someone who changes a child’s life for the good. Take...

Moon Day

Hello everyone,                        National Moon Day on July 20th commemorates the day man first walked on the moon in 1969. NASA reported the moon landing as being “…the single greatest technological achievement of all time.” On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 carried the first humans to the moon. Six hours after landing on the moon, American Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface. He spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft.                        National Moon Day opens up lots of opportunities to explore and reminisce! Share your memories of the moon landing. Set up your telescope and explore the moon’s surface. You can even explore the surface with a telephoto lens. As you rediscover the moon, start a discussion about space exploration. How d...


Hello everyone,                           Emoji is the fastest growing language in history. Every day we use emoji on Facebook, Twitter, message, etc. World Emoji Day is celebrated on 17 July and is a day of celebration of all emojis.The day is celebrated to represent an idea or an emotion through an electronic means. Emoji is a small digital icon becoming popular these days and no doubt is an integral part of our conversation. When we feel lazy or when we are at a loss of words then we use emojis to express what we want to. For every feeling, there is an emojis now. From the past years, emojis have evolved. It not only expresses simple human feelings but more than that.                                 Each month Emojipedia serves over 25 million emoji lookups...

International Justice

Hello everyone,                         It is also known as International Criminal Justice Day or International Justice Day. The day unites all those who wish to support justice, promote the rights of the victims, also help in preventing crime that threatens the peace, security, and well-being of the world.                        17 July is celebrated as World Day for International Justice because this day is the anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998. With the help of this treaty, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established. In 1998 since that day, 139 countries have signed the Court's treaty and nearly 80 States, representative of every region of the world, have ratified it.         ...

World Snakes

Hello Everyone,                          The 16th of July is celebrated as World Snake Day. Though a relatively obscure holiday with unclear origins, it is celebrated by wildlife enthusiasts the world over with great passion. Tributes sometimes even make the national news. Given human society's age-old fascination with these beautiful but misunderstood creatures, a day to celebrate them seems only fair.                      An important contribution of World Snake Day is to the cause of conservation of a sometimes dangerous but mostly misrepresented reptile. Snakes live on every continent except Antarctica, and can vary from 32 feet long pythons to tiny vine snakes. Only about one-fourth of all snakes are venomous, and all of them would much rather avoid human ...

Youth Skills

Hello everyone,                         World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) 2020: It is observed on 15 July with an aim to raise awareness about the importance of technical, vocational education training and the development of other skills relevant to both local and global economies.                           World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) 2020: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day which is celebrated on 15 July will deliver a video address. The Skill India Mission was launched 5 years ago on this day. Therefore, the day marks the 5th anniversary of the launch of Skill India Mission. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship organized a digital conclave to mark the occasion. This year World Youth Skills Day...

Shark awareness

Hello everyone,                          Shark Awareness Day is today. The real goal of this day, is to provide education and awareness of the importance of sharks to the ecosystems of our world's oceans. Sharks date back 420 million years ago, much farther back than dinosaurs, which roamed the earth a mere 230 million years ago. Along the way, sharks have gotten a bad reputation from movies, and from the media (what would the media be without media sensationalism!?), which constantly provides graphic reports of shark attacks. While we are made to be deathly afraid of sharks, the truth of the matter is that sharks are generally more afraid of us. And rightly so, as humans kill 100 million sharks (of all sizes) a year. World-wide, sharks only cause an average of 7 deaths and 70 reported attacks a year. Many sharks are endangered species. For exampl...