Be Someone

Hello everyone,

                          On July 21, National Be Someone Day challenges each of us to take ten seconds to make a difference in the life of a child.

What can be done in ten seconds? We can order a cup of coffee or water a plant. We can hear or tell a bad joke. In ten seconds, we can change our minds and after doing so say a prayer of thanks. When we walk into a room, in that time, we can register the pain in someone’s eyes and begin to provide comfort. We can praise and honor someone who deserves it.

20 Inspiring #8216;National Be Someone Day#8217; Quotes 259650566

We can also commit to report child abuse. On National Be Someone Day, take the pledge to be the person to make a difference in a child’s life. Most importantly, be someone prepared to report when a child trusts you enough to tell you they’ve been hurt.


Be someone who changes a child’s life for the good. Take the pledge on July 21st to report child abuse.

  • Learn the facts
  • Minimize opportunity
  • Talk about it
  • Know the signs
  • React responsibly


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