International Justice

Hello everyone,

                        It is also known as International Criminal Justice Day or International Justice Day. The day unites all those who wish to support justice, promote the rights of the victims, also help in preventing crime that threatens the peace, security, and well-being of the world.
                       17 July is celebrated as World Day for International Justice because this day is the anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998. With the help of this treaty, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established. In 1998 since that day, 139 countries have signed the Court's treaty and nearly 80 States, representative of every region of the world, have ratified it.

World Day For International Justice, Latest Justice Quotes Images
                   This day also attracts people around the world to pay attention to serious issues. It also protects people from several crimes and also warns those people who affect the peace, security, and well being of the nation at risk.
Various events around the world are organized to promote this day and also to support the International Criminal Court (ICC). This day is also promoted by various news channels, newspapers, and radio. Several organizational groups make people pay attention to some particular issues like violence against women, genocide, etc.


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