Women Power !!!

Hello everyone,
                   A female general at the helm of the force is no longer beyond the leadership of possibility thanks to a well-balanced ruling of the Supreme Court that finally lets women take roles of command.

          Photo: Hindustan Times

                    Women empowerment is the most crucial point to be noted for the overall development of a country. Many people think that the days of woman fighting for rights are over but those people are wrong because 1 out of every 3 women has been sexually harassed or catcalled in public by random men they don’t know. Every day women are put down and told how to act and that they were asking for it if you wear that making woman feel that it is their fault, it is not.
                      A century-and-a-half after India’s own Rani of Jhansi led troops into a battle for freedom, and some 40 years after the fugitives of an outlaw called Phoolan Devi showed how a brave woman could lead a squad of armed men, the Supreme Court has ruled that there were no valid reasons for the Indian Army to keep its positions of command out of female reach. The judgement was partly in response to complaints filed by women officers barred a century-and-a-half after India’s own Rani of Jhansi led troops into a battle for freedom, and some 40 years after the exploits of an outlaw called Phoolan Devi showed how a brave woman could lead a squad of armed men.
                       What cannot be cast aside under any circumstance is the right of every woman to pursue a career of her choice and reach the top.
“My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.”
                                         Careers have no genders!!!


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